Age & Disability Friendly Task Force
To ensure that San Francisco is inclusive, diverse, and safe for all people, regardless of age or ability, so they are able to remain within the community of their choice as they age.
Locally, nationally, and globally, populations are aging at increasing rates and San Francisco is no exception. Currently one in five San Franciscans is 60 or older, and these numbers are expected to increase as the Baby Boomers retire. Additionally, 4% (or more than 35,000) San Franciscans are adults (18 to 59 years) with a disability. There is a need to address both the benefits and the challenges that come with a rapidly aging population while recognizing what San Francisco already has done both to support and prepare for this growth, including:
The Goal:
To create, implement, and evaluate an Age- and Disability-Friendly Plan for San Francisco.
In a Nutshell:
At its core, an Age and Disability Friendly Plan will leverage existing resources and efforts, ensure that future investments, plans and programs incorporate an aging and disability friendly lens, and develop a framework that allows for tangible and measurable improvements for both community organizations and city agencies, ensuring that San Francisco is welcoming and accessible to all. To ensure that San Francisco is inclusive, diverse, and safe for all people, regardless of age or ability, so they are able to remain within the community of their choice as they age.
How Do We Get There?
Key Tenents:
San Francisco’s Age and Disability Friendly Plan is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) model “Global Age-Friendly Cities Project”, which defines an elder friendly community as:
“An inclusive and accessible community environment that optimizes opportunities for health, participation, and security, in order that quality of life and dignity are ensured as people age.”
Domains to Consider:
The WHO model is comprised of eight domains that focus on various aspects of the urban environment. Based on their framework, we’ll focus on:
- Community Support & Health Services (Feb 8 & March 8)
- Engagement & Inclusion (April 12)
- Communication, Information, & Technology (May 10)
- Employment & Economic Security (June 14)
- Housing (July 12)
- Transportation (August 9)
- Outdoor Spaces & Buildings (Sept 13)
- Resiliency & Emergency Preparedness (Oct 11)
Get Involved:
If you care about ensuring that San Francisco is an Age and Disability Friendly City and have time and/or the expertise to contribute, please contact us!
Monthly Meetings: The task force meets on the 2nd Wednesday from 2-4pm at SF City Hall room #201, meetings are open to the public and will meet from Jan 2017 thru October 2017. Once the task force completes the first draft of the Action Plan, the workgroup will continue with the implementation - meeting days/times to be decided but will be shared here when determined.
FOR MORE INFO: Valerie Coleman, Program Analyst SF Dept of Aging & Adult Services (415) 355-3681
Task Force Members
Team: 27 members representing the following categories:
- Community members
- Nonprofit organizations
- City Departments
- Business community
- Academia
The next meeting for this group is scheduled for: May 10, 2017

Meeting Date | Agenda | Minutes | Other Documents and Presentations |